
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

spring flowers in the lanes
Spring flowers in Devon lane
There is a lane I drive through to get to work every day and keep seeing all the spring colours, so the other bank holiday when it was sunny I walked up there just to see all the spring flowers, there were so many different flowers I only got a few on my camera.

Bluebells with bee
Bluebells with bee coming in.

single bluebell
Single Bluebell

uncurling bracken
Bracken uncurling.

A large number of Spring Ferns

single fern
Single young fern.

The ferns and brackens look like they are from prehistoric times, which I think they are and they form the most fascinating shapes when they uncurl in spring.

Wild Honesty


Single Primrose.
Single Primrose.

Pink Primroses
Pink Primroses

I have been driving past these Pink Primroses for several days now and wondered if they were the wild ones as they were so bright, but looking at then now I did not realise they got brighter the longer the flowers had been out.

Red Campion
Red Campion


Sweet Violet
Sweet Violet


Wood Anemones

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Again driving home suddenly saw all the Gulls following the plough and found a place to pull over and get some shots while there the dairy cows came out, looked as if just after milking.

gulls and plough
Gulls following the plough

The Seagull have been following the plough for centuries, the farming changes over the years but the gull and crows still forage for the same thing the worms and grubs that have been dug up.

Some Gulls never see the sea as long as there are lakes or rivers around they can survive with scavenging as well, but this is when it becomes a problem.

cows and plough
cows wondering why their field is being ploughed

These dairy cows look a bit surprised that their field is being dug up and being inquisitive they go to investigate.

(There is an electric fence between them.)

after milking
These two look to be having a good gossip.

These two look as if one is saying to the other “I wonder what is going on over there lets go and have a look.”

Monday, May 13, 2013

young bullock
Young and Inquisitive
The other weekend driving back from shopping it was a nice afternoon and I had my camera with me, and wondered if I see any thing interesting.

Then I saw these Bullocks so parked up got the camera out and waited to see what they were up to.

bullock eating branches
Can I reach this

Once they realized I wasn’t a threat they went back to what they were going, which was reaching up to the branches and using their tongues to curl around and get the new shoots. Unfortunately I didn’t quite get the shoot with the tongue out.

young bullock
Have I got it or not?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Hedgehog feeding in our garden from last year

I’m very pleased to say the hedgehogs are back. After seeing them around all last summer, in and out of the garden each night snuffling about and grunting at each other.

We had four different ones, one being a large male my husband did not realize they got so big until one night he heard a lot of noise going on outside and went to investigate only to find two hedgehogs one a lot larger than the other, the male must have come around for a mate.

We saw a couple of young ones quite late in the year; I do hope they survived the winter.

With all the flooding we had during the winter I was getting worried they that might have been flooded out during hibernation, but they are back again. So I’m back feeding them every night with hedgehog food I get from our local garden center, I don’t use cat food partly because I know our cats will eat it but they don’t seem to eat the hedgehog food.

I will try and get some more pictures this year.
Starling feeding on fat balls
A Starling feeding on fat balls

It’s nice to see the starlings back, as a child can remember seeking them in flocks flying around and thinking they look like Sholes of fish, which have not seen lately.
rook in tree
One of the many rooks we get in the garden and they do look funny on the feed trying to eat the fat balls or rather destroy them. With them and the squirrels it’s a wonder the bird feeder is still standing, the neighbors get very cross with them but I find them quite fascinating and amusing .
A Jenny Wren
The Wren. 

I love to hear them, such a loud song for such a little bird.
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