
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spring Flowers

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spring flowers in the lanes
Spring flowers in Devon lane
There is a lane I drive through to get to work every day and keep seeing all the spring colours, so the other bank holiday when it was sunny I walked up there just to see all the spring flowers, there were so many different flowers I only got a few on my camera.

Bluebells with bee
Bluebells with bee coming in.

single bluebell
Single Bluebell

uncurling bracken
Bracken uncurling.

A large number of Spring Ferns

single fern
Single young fern.

The ferns and brackens look like they are from prehistoric times, which I think they are and they form the most fascinating shapes when they uncurl in spring.

Wild Honesty


Single Primrose.
Single Primrose.

Pink Primroses
Pink Primroses

I have been driving past these Pink Primroses for several days now and wondered if they were the wild ones as they were so bright, but looking at then now I did not realise they got brighter the longer the flowers had been out.

Red Campion
Red Campion


Sweet Violet
Sweet Violet


Wood Anemones

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