
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Adult Goldfinch that feeds in the garden
I think the Goldfinches have done well this year , my neighbor has counted fifteen all at one time in her garden, Adults and young.
The Hedgehog that comes in most evenings
The Hedgehog that comes in most evenings

One night thought I might get another shot of our little visitor feeding under our garden table were I put his food to keep it dry, I didn’t notice chivers our cat on the chair watching the hedgehog until I saw the pictures on the computer.

I don’t put cat food down for the hedgehogs’ as the cats will have it I have found special hedgehog food at our local garden center, which they certainly seem to enjoy.

The cats don’t seem to bother the hedgehogs I think their only predators are badgers and man of course. 
A Frog that came to stay in our small pond
A Frog that came to stay!

Could not restrain from taking his picture to prove that he has arrived on its own accord.

After having a large pond several years ago with frogs and toads and every thing else that lives in ponds, plus a cat that liked to bring them in as presents unhurt by the way I might add.

I now have a new pond and a lot smaller it has only been in about 2 months, and I’m pleased to say we have a frog that has decided to move in on his own accord, and very welcome he is too! 

My Garden in Devon
My Garden in Devon
The garden that started it, small, but a hive of activity, well bird wise that is, the cats just seem to snooze these days.
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