
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nuthatch with sunflower seed

I think we have a pair of Nuthatch as I have seen two coming and going taking the sunflower seeds one at a time up into the tree eating it then coming back for an other.

Nuthatch and blue tit

This Nuthatch is keeping the blue tit away until he has his sunflower seed.

Male Greenfinch

The Greenfinches seem to like the black sunflower seed and they have also had ago at the nuts, were as the other finches like the smaller seeds. 

There has been a lot of activity with them at the moment as it’s coming into mating season.

Male and Female Greenfinch

Male and Female Greenfinch having a good feed on the seeds together.
Male Chaffinch eating seeds

This male Chaffinch looks very pleased with him self. 

I used an old cullender to put seed in as it drains out the water and all the birds seem to like it, I have also used an old sieve and that has worked well.
Great tit after feeding

There are a lot of Great tits around at the moment as with Blue tits and Coal tits all getting very stroppy with each other.

I don’t know weather its over the food or about pairing up or territorial.

Blue tit enjoying nuts

This Blue tit is feeding up in the cold weather, as are all the birds now to keep up their energy levels and to keep them warm.

Now is coming up to breeding season they will need to have plenty of energy to be able to care for their young.

Collared dove feeding

I didn’t realize Collared doves are not native to this country and have only been over since the 50s and now one of the commonest birds in the UK.

They seem quiet and peaceful not aggressive compared with some of the other birds, they are easy to recognize as the name suggests with the collar, also if close enough you can see their red eyes.

Collared dove feeding

Female Blackbird feeding

It’s nice to see the Blackbirds pairing up again and having a good feed and looking healthy.

I hade fill a coconut shell with fruit seeds and fat it was hung up, but either the rooks or the squirrels have knocked it off but its nice to see the black birds enjoying it as they feed on the ground.

All though it’s been so cold for the time of year the birds are still pairing up and getting quite territorial with each other.

female Blackbird feeding

Female Blackcap on bird feeder

The Female Blackcap that has been around all winter.

I have noticed this female blackcap around all winter and have been waiting to see if there is a male around, but have not seen one, or any others come to that.

The Blackcaps don’t normally stay in the UK over winter; they usually head for warmer climates like Spain and North Africa but apparently there have been more seen in the winter over here may be because we feed the garden bird all year round.

Female blackcap with sparrow

Female Blackcap with Great tit

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Red Squirrels hand fed at Escot

You don’t need to pay to see a lot of things in Escot; just walking around the grounds there is plenty to see. The red squirrels are always nice to see. I caught them the other day at feeding time, the staff feed them at certain times with special food and it is not appreciated if the public tries to feed them with bread or biscuits as its no good for them.

It is very difficult to take pictures of then because they are very lively but I managed to get a few.
The red squirrels are in an enclosure to protect them from the grey squirrels that carry a disease that doesn’t affect the grey’s but it is very harmful to the red squirrels. Escot has a good breeding program and seems to be working well to help increase the numbers. 

Red Squirrel, looks as though he is asking for more

Little red squirrel getting a treat

Young Peacock at Escot in Devon

Young Peacock at Escot in Devon, just strutting his stuff.
Toadstools in the grass

Just walking across a field at Escot and there in the wet grass were these toadstools or mushrooms I’m not sure which they are just growing randomly. 
Old naked tree in a filed

This old naked tree is many years old, probably older than Escot Estate itself. It looks as if it lost its life a long time ago and now just a reminder of its former self.

Jackdaw with an acorn

Jackdaw collecting acorns while there are plenty around at this time of year, before other birds and animals get there first.
Rook in flight

A Rook just taking off from the wires overhead. 

Pheasants feeding

These Pheasants are fattening up for winter, its nice to see them living in a natural environment where they can live freely.

Young Cock Pheasant

Young Cock Pheasant, all fluffed up after a good preen. 

Cock Pheasant roosting for the night

This Cock Pheasant has found a nice large branch in the tree to roost in for the night, out of the way of any predators.

Hen Pheasant roosting

I don’t think people realize pheasants roost in trees, may be because they are quite big birds. Pheasants are mostly seen on the ground, I think they roost to keep out of the way of predators like fox’s. 

Local Cow, Is the grass greener on the other side.

I think this rather curious cow is wondering what is going on over the fence, then I realize he is watching the pheasants feeding. 
Tower hide at Black Marsh Axe estuary

I decided to go out with my new camera and try the big lens out properly so I thought about the Axe Estuary, I haven’t been out there for a very long time, and to be honest didn’t really know were the hides were, so I just parked on the side of the road that runs along the edge of the estuary. Started taking pictures and then a couple walked by and told me where the hides are and where to park, by the time I had finished the weather had tuned bad, but I think it’s a place I’ll try an other time. While I parked up be the estuary I managed to get some quite good pictures considering it was the first time out properly with the new camera.

I think the young gull has dropped some thing the older one has spotted.

I think the young gull has dropped some thing the older one has spotted.

This young Black Backed Gull looks as if he is about to land on the one in the water.

This young Black Backed Gull looks as if he is about to land on the one in the water.

Herring Gull on the water

This young Herring Gull is looking very curiously at the seaweed as if he is not to sure about it.

Godwits on the mud

These Godwits are probing the mud for invertebrates, their staple diet, before the tide changes. 

 Mallard duck

I think this female Mallard has lost her way a bit amongst all the Great Black Backed Gulls.

Dartmoor Pony

On the common in our area we now have Dartmoor pony’s to keep it grazed, as it is a natural environment for them. These little pony’s are hardy enough to cope with all weather conditions. 
House Sparrow on the fence post

Quite amazed how much detail my new camera can capture in this image of this House Sparrow
A Blue tit on the feeder

This Blue tit is looking very pleased and content with him self after a good feed.
A Juvenile Goldfinch on the feeder

This juvenile Goldfinch now starting to get his adult plumage and looking very healthy.
A Drinker Moth on the fence

This little chap had come in one evening I think it is a drinker moth, don’t know a great deal about moths.
The Otters at Escot playing in the water

Escot is just down the road from us. I do like to see these lively little creatures and I would like to see them in the wild as they now live in the River Otter, which is on our doorstep, and they have been seen there quite a lot this summer by many locals, my mother being one of them. She has always wanted to see one for as long as she has lived near the river, and now she’s seen her first after over forty years of living here.

An Otter at Escot in Devon

All otters are very lively animals always foraging around for food

Cosmos and Honeybee by Barbara

This very brightly coloured cosmos has attracted the honeybee, there has been very few bees around this year because of the weather. 
A Squirrel testing his luck!

I just wonder what I can get away with today

I know the neighbor’s don’t like them pinching the bird nuts, but I like the cheeky caps we have put up a separate feeder for them, but they will still have a go at the bird food, so what say I, I mean they all need food for winter.

In the spring we had mum with two young, they were funny to watch, and got very cross with the cats when they were out, screeching at them all the time. 
a hedgehog in our garden

We have a little family of hedgehogs coming and going, I have a thing about hedgehogs I think its from about 11 years ago we hand reared one from very tiny to a size big enough to hibernate, and the following spring when I saw another one I went to look to see if he was alright in his hutch that we’d let him hibernate in, and to my surprise there were two in the old hutch! 

A hedgehog that we feed each night tucking in!

Ok this is good. 

Spotted Woodpecker feeding on the nuts

I think this is easy pickings for him, a Spotted woodpecker pays a visit
A Robin in our garden

Just keeping an eye on my territory.

Long tail tits all on the feeder

They don’t call very often but when they do the whole family arrives,
These little ones are a bit wet and by the look of things very hungry! 
Long tail tits on the fat balls

Little one says I will keep an eye on things.
Long tail tits always seem to go around in groups busy chattering away to each other and fusing around not quite knowing where to go next. 
Great tit at the bird feeder

Just deciding what to have, after all there’s so much choice.
Blue tits and Great tits in our garden

All in hurry to feed, I’m amazed at just how much these tiny birds can pack away, all day their at it, from first light till dusk.
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